Virtual Caseworker Conference: 28th March

This half day virtual conference will include industry speakers and a panel of caseworkers to discuss helpful resources and perspectives for grant makers working directly with beneficiaries.

28th March 2023 / 09:30AM
28th March 2023 / 01:00PM
Online (Zoom)

Rightsteps presentation recording

Panel recording

NCVO Safeguarding presentation recording

Frontline Network and End Furniture Poverty presentations recording

Pennysmart presentation recording

Citizens Advice presentation recording

The OT Practice presentation recording

Virtual Caseworker Conference

Kindly sponsored by the OT Practice, this half  day session will include two breakout sessions, panel discussion and stand alone speaker. All sessions will cater to the role of a grant making caseworker to offer useful tips and perspectives to those offering support to grant applicants.

Contributors will include: 


ACO members: £20/ Non ACO members: £30