Guest Article: Simplify your grant administration process with Family Fund Business Services

Family Fund Business Services (FFBS), a trading subsidiary of ACO member Family Fund, have space to take on more end-to-end grant administration clients

Family Fund Business Services (FFBS), a trading subsidiary of ACO member Family Fund, have space to take on more end-to-end grant administration clients. This service offers charities the opportunity to outsource their scheme management, from assessing application forms and making eligibility decisions to delivering grant items directly to beneficiaries. Tailored support unique to you

We tailor our service to meet your needs, and clients can choose from a combination of application processing, dedicated phone line and email helpdesk support. We work with your organisation to design a bespoke application form (or use your existing one) and will make eligibility decisions based on your unique criteria. You will have access to our customer support as standard, with an account manager and access to our helpdesk, plus dedicated application assessment officers. Managing multiple suppliers so you don’t have to From creating your own criteria and application form, evaluating and validating applications, to finding the right suppliers that will deliver direct to your beneficiaries – managing grant funding takes a lot of back and forth. We offer a comprehensive list of vouchers (including energy, flooring, food and clothing) and physical items (such as white goods, furniture and other household items), with support on hand every step of the way. As a subsidiary of a charity ourselves we know that the landscape is tough, funding is limited while demand continues to grow, that’s why we use our parent charity’s 50 years of experience and mature supplier network to deliver value for money and make funding go further.

Keeping funding in the charity sector

100% of our profit is gifted back to our parent charity as unrestricted funding, helping to sustain and support the work that Family Fund does to help families raising a seriously ill or disabled child on a low income. This means when you partner with us, you deliver social value two-fold and keep your money in the charity sector, helping more people.

If you’d like to chat with us about how we can help your charity with grant admin and procurement, get in touch at, or visit our website here to find out more about how we administer grant schemes.