A message from our Chief Executive

It was tremendous to see so many ACO colleagues at our Annual Conference last week. For those of you who were able to join us, I hope we were able to provide a varied – and though provoking – programme around the theme “new horizons”. In particular it was really informative to hear some of the feedback from the floor during our group session around the issue of the stigma that continues to impact/hinder individuals applying for financial/wellbeing support from charities. You can access the various speaker presentations here.

At the same time, we congratulate all the winners at the ACO Annual Awards ceremony.

at the close of the programme. With the largest number of nominations to date, it was a challenging task for our Judges panel to shortlist entries, let alone agree the final winners! Thanks again for all our members who submitted entries, it certainly provides a fascinating insight into the achievements of ACO charities during the course of the year.

On a final note, we are supporting the Winter Warmth Network campaign launched earlier this month by Lightning Reach. The campaign’s focus is to help tackle fuel poverty by supporting vulnerable individuals and families to find holistic financial support this winter.
The Winter Warmth network is uniting the vast community of support organisations and professionals – including ACO charities, local government, housing associations, energy companies and advice agencies with the people who need help the most through the Lightning Reach portal to help ensure that this winter, everyone gets the right support at the right time. For further details of the campaign/how to get involved see here.


Donal Watkin
Chief Executive

This month’s edition features:

  • Upcoming ACO and wider sector events
  • Jobs board
  • Member spotlight on Artists Futures Fund
  • Guest article from Back Up
  • Member news
  • Policy and sector news
  • Publications

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