Pennysmart CIC

Our Business:

Pennysmart CIC, founded in 2010, is a social enterprise dedicated to combating poverty and financial exclusion. We serve disadvantaged neighbourhoods across England and Wales, partnering with social housing providers and charitable organisations.

We offer free-to-client, digital and telephone-based budgeting, benefits, and regulated debt advice and casework services. Additionally, we provide financial-wellbeing training for staff and volunteers.


Our mission is to significantly improve the financial well-being of families and individuals facing financial hardship and debt crises, helping them lead better lives and improve their wellbeing.

Our Service:

For organisations without in-house money advice, we offer an off-site, referrals-only, advice and casework service for those in financial hardship. We work exclusively with selected partners, ensuring quick access to our services without long waiting times.

Our Credentials:

Since 2012, we’ve collaborated with charitable organisations and understand their needs. Our caseworkers are IMA Cert. MAP qualified, and we hold the AQS Quality Standard for advice and casework. We are authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (No. 618817) for debt counselling. Our advisers are also Breathing Space & Debt Relief Order Intermediaries and can assist with P Bankruptcy applications. Many are qualified counsellors.

Contact Us:

For more information or a service quote, contact Jayne Bellis (MD) or Tom Fletcher (Contracts Administrator) at


Twitter/X: @PennysmartCIC

Tel: 01244 651210

Mob: 07950377531