Rathbone Investment Management

Rathbones, supporting you and your cause

The Rathbones charity team is proud to manage £6.1 billion* of assets for more than 1,900 charities, making us the fourth largest charity manager in the UK.

We believe it benefits our clients to have their investments looked after by dedicated sector experts and our team of 22 work solely on charity investments. Many of us are involved with charities outside of work: and more than half of our team are charity trustees, demonstrating personal commitment to the charity community and providing invaluable insight into the challenges charities face.

We build a service around your priorities, creating an individual strategy and portfolio to match your charity’s income, growth targets and attitude to risk, while looking to protect it in the downturns. Trustees deal directly with an investment manager, who is personally responsible for your charity’s portfolio.

Our offering

  • A transparent fee with no dealing costs
  • Tailored portfolios for funds of £500,000 or more
  • The Active Income and Growth Fund and the Core Investment Fund for charities with £10,000 or more
  • Single asset class or multi-asset mandates
  • Access to our trustee training events and regular charity investment papers.

*All figures as at 31st December 2019. Rathbone Investment Management Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

8 Finsbury Circus
London, EC2M 7AZ

Tel: 020 7399 0128
Email: Natalie.yapp@rathbones.com
