
ACO organises regular events, webinars and training sessions which can be attended by all staff of ACO member charities.

We also hold regular meetings of our special interest groups to bring members together around common interest areas.

Members can log in to view on demand recordings of past events and webinars.

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Past Event

On Demand: Increasing Diversity & Inclusion in the Benevolent/Grant-Making Sector

An online event looking at diversity and inclusion in the charity sector for benevolent / grant-giving charities.

Recording from this event available to view below.

Past Event

On Demand: Diversifying Income in a Post-Covid World

A stimulating one day programme relevant to Benevolent and Grant Making Charities as they face the financial challenges of rebuilding and maintaining income streams in a post-covid environment.

A recording from this event can be viewed here.

Past Event

On Demand: Supporting Staff Resilience & Wellbeing

Recording from our webinar held in February 2021 on Supporting Staff Resilience & Wellbeing for charities.