Grant Makers’ Forum: 26th October

Bringing together charities to discuss a variety of topical subjects in our sector and relevant to the work of our members.

26th October 2022 / 11:00AM
26th October 2022 / 12:30PM
Online (Zoom)

Our regular event for ACO members featuring external speakers on topics of relevance to benevolent charities.

We will be joined by three fantastic speakers:

o Jayne Knights (Independent training provider) to discuss welfare benefits and provide welfare reform training.
o Dave Carter (Head of Counter Fraud at the British Council) – to discuss counter fraud, cyber security and Charity Fraud Awareness Week.
o Oana Bacila (C Supplies) One of our corporate partners to discuss energy vouchers.

All staff at ACO member charities are welcome!

Resources from the Event

For those who weren’t able to attend the Grant Makers’ Forum or would like to refer back to the speakers’ presentations, please download them here.

For information on how to create an anti-fraud policy visit the Preventing Charity Fraud website here.


Register to attend on Eventbrite.

Register here