2022 Newton Charity Investment Survey

This survey into the charity sector gives the sector unique insight and trend comparisons of its investment intentions.

Newton Investment Management is grateful to many of the respected UK charity sector leaders who have provided input into the Newton Charity Investment Survey over the last eight years, giving the sector unique insight and trend comparisons of its investment intentions.

This year, as we emerge from the pandemic into a cost-of-living squeeze with significant geopolitical uncertainties, we are particularly interested in exploring your views on:

  • Current issues, such as geopolitics, inflation and the pandemic, which may be affecting your charity and the way you operate
  • Your recent investment returns (both capital return and income) and your expectations for the future
  • Ethical investment and the increasing demand for sustainable investment
  • Aspects of socially responsible investing that are most important for your charity

If you can spare the time, you are invited to complete this year’s survey, which should take approximately 20 minutes. A pair of tickets to an exhibition of your choice (before 31 January 2023) at the Royal Academy of Arts will be offered to the first 100 charities completing the survey, and survey participants will also be entered into a prize draw for the opportunity to win a £250 donation to a charity of their choice. Four winners will be selected at random. Terms and conditions apply.

All responses are treated confidentially, and data will only be shared in aggregate, with no individual charity responses being identifiable.

We would be very grateful if participants could complete the survey by Friday 1 July: https://www.newtonim.com/charitysurvey-aco