ACO collaborates with Lightning Reach and their Winter Warmth Network

As fuel poverty rises, Lightning Reach launches the Winter Warmth Network to connect UK households with crucial financial support.

As fuel poverty rises, Lightning Reach launches the Winter Warmth Network to connect UK households with crucial financial support

In response, Lightning Reach has introduced the Winter Warmth Network – an urgent initiative aimed at addressing winter hardships by connecting those in need with essential support. The initiative is in collaboration with partners including the Association of Charitable Organisations (ACO) and ACO members including the Royal Naval Benevolent Charity, Naval Children’s Charity and ABTA Lifeline.

This innovative network unites support organisations, professionals, and local authorities to simplify access to critical financial assistance during the colder months. At the centre of this effort is the Lightning Reach portal, an online platform that connects individuals with over 2,500 financial support schemes, including grants from housing associations, charities, and local authorities.

To date, over £15 million in grants have been facilitated through the Lightning Reach portal in total, with over a third of the total going directly towards people’s energy bills. The average successful recipient receives £630 towards their energy costs.

The journey of Darren, a veteran from Montrose, Scotland, shows just how crucial accessing support can be in helping people regain control during challenging times. Darren faced severe financial strain due to rising energy bills and living costs, which triggered his PTSD and worsened his mental health. He found support through the Royal British Legion’s Everyday Needs Grant, accessed via the Lightning Reach portal. Darren received £200 a month in energy vouchers, clearing his debt and putting his energy account into credit. He also received disability support, including physiotherapy and home adaptations.

Darren discovered additional benefits for his family and himself, such as disability payments and local council support. He said, “The portal has given me a new lease of life. It’s really made a big improvement and impact on my life.” His wife and father also benefited from the portal, which Darren now uses regularly to find new support.

Donal Watkin, Chief Executive of ACO commented: “The launch of the Winter Warmth Network couldn’t be more timely as increasing numbers of UK households will be facing further financial hardship as the energy price cap rises once again. By bringing together a range of partners through the Lightning Reach portal, the Network will provide an easily accessible route for individuals to connect with financial support schemes that can potentially make a real difference to their lives over the coming months.”

Ren Yi Hooi, Founder and CEO of Lightning Reach commented: “With over 130,000 people already seeking support through the Lightning Reach portal and more needing assistance with the energy price cap rising this winter, we are delighted to be working with partners across a range of sectors to tackle this winter. Through the Winter Warmth Network, we aim to join forces to simplify the journey for people to find and apply for vital support across the fragmented ecosystem and ensure they are connected with organisations that can help.”

Organisations are welcomed to join the network by visiting