Charity News Review: July 2024

Read the latest ACO newsletter with updates from us, our members and the wider charity sector.

A message from our Chief Executive

Welcome to Election Day!

We’ve finally come to the end of what has seemed a long six weeks since the election was called. The Directory of Social Change has shared a fascinating summary here of some of the campaigning work by charities across the sector during this period. It will be interesting – whichever party forms the new Government – how the manifesto published by NCVO/ACEVO influences policy toward the charity sector in the coming years.

Speaking of which, a reminder that we’re delighted to have Jane Ide OBE (Chief Executive – ACEVO) joining us as guest speaker at our AGM/Summer Social in London on 18 July. Jane will be discussing resetting the relationship between the Voluntary Sector and Government amongst other issues. If you’d like to join us, register here.

On a final note – ACO members can now take advantage of our early bird tickets (until 19 July) for the ACO Annual Conference on 12 September. Full programme will be published later this month – we’d love to see you there.

In the meantime, happy voting!

Donal Watkin
Chief Executive

This month’s edition features:

  • Upcoming ACO and wider sector events
  • Jobs board
  • Member spotlight on ScotsCare
  • Guest article from Russell Cooke
  • Member news
  • Policy and sector news
  • Publications

You can join the mailing list here.