Charity News Review: June 2024

Read the latest ACO newsletter with updates from us, our members and the wider charity sector.

A message from our Chief Executive

Next month’s election will prove pivotal in determining the shape of the future relationship between the (next) Government and charities moving forward.

NCVO and ACEVO have jointly developed a manifesto for the Voluntary Sector which argues that charities underpin the social infrastructure of the country and that post-election is “an opportunity  to forge a renewed and strengthened partnership between the voluntary sector and government to drive change, innovation and growth”. The manifesto includes a range of “asks” from increased engagement in policy making and placing greater value on volunteers to encouraging stronger resilient communities and ensuring a thriving voluntary sector,  each ask with a practical list of proposals.

A strongly suggested read as we approach election day!

On a completely separate note, our 2024 (in-person) AGM will this year be conjoined with a summer social event and guest speaker on Thursday 18 July in London. Details will be circulated shortly – please mark your diaries as this will be a great opportunity to connect with colleagues across the network before the inevitable holiday season is upon us!

This month’s edition features:

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