What can ACO help your charity achieve in 2022?

We highlight the ways ACO can help support your charity this year and the membership benefits available to everyone within your organisation.

As we look to the year ahead – one which we hope contains less challenges and surprises than the previous two years for benevolent charities and the people they support – we wanted to highlight some of the ways ACO can help support your charity.

We’re here to help with any challenges or queries your charity may have this year.


ACO holds regular events and webinars for members, including our popular Grant Making Forum, to promote knowledge sharing and best practice across a broad range of themes relevant to benevolent/grant-making charities.

Our events can be attended by any staff within your charity. View our Events page to find out more.

Special Interest Groups

ACO runs a growing range of special interest groups exclusively for members.

This includes our Under Fives (small charities) Group, CEO Forum, MarComms Group, Income Generation & Fundraising Group, Impact & Evaluation Group, and International Beneficiaries Group. Find out more

Useful Resources

Our website is regularly updated with resources, publications, templates and news/thought-leadership pieces on topics ranging from debt advice and mental health to diversity & inclusion.

We also regularly share useful resources for charities in our newsletter Charity News Review and on social media.

Our Jobs Board

We can assist you in advertising staff vacancies within your charity by placing the positions on the ACO Jobs Board and also sharing details with our mailing list and through our social media channels and ACO newsletter.


We represent and promote the work of benevolent charities both within the charity sector and to the wider public.

This includes collaborating with other charity infrastructure bodies, supporting wider charity sector campaigns, building working relationships with key referral agencies and developing a regular output of content for charity and mainstream media.

Share and Collaborate

We can help you spread the word of your upcoming activity, events and campaigns through our newsletter, on social media and at ACO events.

We are planning to launch a new ACO forum/community in 2022, and can help connect you with others in our network who may be able to help with your queries and share their experiences from going through similar challenges.

Free Charity Legal Advice Helpline

Our partner Russell-Cooke Solicitors provides a free telephone helpline for ACO members. The helpline allows ACO members to have a short telephone conversation with a legal professional on issues relating to running a charity. Find out more

Keep Up to Date

As well as our newsletter, you can keep up to date with member and sector news and useful resources on our Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn pages.


To find out more about ACO resources and assistance please contact Hannah Canner: hannah@aco.uk.net

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