Our Anti-fraud Group meet quarterly to raise awareness and knowledge on suspected fraudulent applications.
Members have the opportunity to share best practice, questions and concerns with the group as well as hear from expert speakers working in charity fraud awareness and prevention.
This group is designed for Caseworkers, working directly with beneficiaries to expand their knowledge by hearing from external speakers on new campaigns and services.
We also encourage Caseworkers to share knowledge and experiences with the group.
Our CEO Forum is ACO’s regular meeting for charity leaders within the ACO network to discuss common topics around running a charity and charity governance, as well as the opportunity to highlight any issues seen within charities to share amongst the group.
Our EDI Group is a regular meeting of ACO charity members looking to explore and improve their EDI practice. This meeting is open to all ACO members.
This meeting can be used for discussing common challenges and successes within diversity and inclusion.
Meetings will focus on certain themes with members sharing and learning from each other.
This group is a dedicated platform that brings together finance professionals with a shared passion for driving financial excellence within the charitable sector across the ACO network.
Our Income Generation & Fundraising Group is a regular meeting of ACO fundraisers and charities looking to diversify their income streams.
Topics ranging from fundraising strategies, investments, legacies, to other income streams will be discussed during meetings.
The group is designed for both:
- Colleagues already working with existing impact/evaluation models;
- Members interested in introducing an impact/evaluation approach within their charity;
The group will provide an opportunity to share learnings and models, discuss common issues and challenges and develop a network of like-minded colleagues across ACO.
The International Beneficiaries Group is a regular forum for ACO member charities that support beneficiaries overseas.
These meetings can be used to discuss common issues arising from supporting beneficiaries overseas such as logistical challenges, prevention of fraud, benchmarking and determining appropriate levels of support.
A quarterly meeting for MarComms and PR professionals within ACO member charities to share knowledge and expertise, and get support with and share upcoming campaigns.
Meetings often feature external speakers on a topic of interest/relevance to MarComms professionals, and presentations from ACO member charities to showcase their work.
ACO’s Under Fives group is a friendly, informal discussion group for ACO’s smaller member charities.
This group is for solo workers or small charity staff teams (under five staff members) to discuss common issues felt by smaller charities. Meetings occur at least four times a year, usually in the afternoon after ACO’s Grant Making Forums.